Who We Are




Vivian Singer

Vivian Singer is a computer professional and a Hebrew lover who has been creating Jewish software and siddurim ever since home computers became available. As early as 1984, she developed one of the first Hebrew/English word processors including trope, and used it to write software for Davka Corporation.

Working with the CCAR and the Israeli Progressive Movement, Vivian edited the English Companion to Ha-Avodah Shebalev, which is widely used in Israeli Progressive synagogues. She has worked with rabbis to design worship services for their installations in their new congregations, with parents to create meaningful prayerbooks for their children's B'nai Mitzvah services, and with engaged couples to compile wedding benchers that reflect their unique perspective and their hopes for the future of the world.

Vivian is a former Assistant Regional Director for the Northeast Lakes Council of the Union for Reform Judaism.


What SingerSiddur Does

SingerSiddur offers design, layout, and printing of custom prayerbooks for rabbis, cantors, congregations and families who want something unique for a milestone occasion. Most popular are Bar and Bat Mitzvah services and wedding benchers.

SingerSiddur is dedicated to the proposition that the worship service is the most important part of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah day. Working with the family, SingerSiddur incorporates artwork, poetry, and the weekly Torah and Haftarah portions to create a beautiful custom prayerbook that everyone can take home as a meaningful memento.

By providing professional help with the liturgy, page layout, reproduction and binding, SingerSiddur lets the Bar Mitzvah family focus on the special content. Each project starts with the large SingerSiddur library of Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and Reconstructionist Shabbat and weekday services and the Tanach (Hebrew Bible).

SingerSiddur also allows families to design a personalized Haggadah for Passover. Inserting old family photos and mementos into the familiar text gives special meaning to the key phrase “B'chol Dor Vador” - in every generation.

The company is located near Cleveland, Ohio, but most projects are done remotely, with drafts and samples passed back and forth via email.

How SingerSiddur started

Vivian Singer formed SingerSiddur in 2003 in an effort to get people involved in the exciting process of creating prayerbooks.

This venture is also a result of Ms. Singer’s passion for quality control in the design of creative worship and for the ethics of copyrights. Although Hebrew texts are generally in the public domain, the English translations all belong to someone, and she feels strongly that religious organizations should uphold the highest standards.

SingerSiddur has licensing agreements to use the English translations from:
CCAR Press (Reform Movement) prayer books - the "Gates" series,
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Kol Haneshamah prayer books,
Bloch Publishing Company Hertz Authorized (Orthodox) prayer book,

Jewish Publication Society Tanakh: Torah, Haftarah, and other Bible texts.

We also work with the Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative) to get individual permissions to use the English translations from the Sim Shalom series.





































Call CustomSiddur today
to plan the perfect prayerbook or bencher for your special occasion
at a reasonable price



CustomSiddur has always been scrupulous about copyrights.  
We work with publishers, music composers, artists, and others  
to be sure that our work upholds the highest ethical standards.




© 2010 CustomSiddur all rights reserved